What Is the Difference Between a Protective and Peace Order in Maryland?

What Is the Difference Between a Protective and Peace Order in Maryland?

Protective and peace orders are two types of orders that are designed to prevent someone from harming, harassing, stalking, or contacting another individual. Some states refer to these as “restraining” orders. However, while there are similarities between these orders, there are also important differences. In the blog below, we will look at these key differences…

How Do You Get Temporary Guardianship in Maryland?

How Do You Get Temporary Guardianship in Maryland?

In Maryland, a legal guardian is an individual or group responsible for making financial and personal decisions for another person. Legal guardianship is usually used for adults with a disability, incapacitated seniors, or minor children. In addition, there are several different types of guardianship, including guardianship of property, guardianship of a person, limited guardianship, short-term…